Kaavya Viswanathan

I am in my two month long seista and I FINALL got a chance to read the books I had wanted to read for a long time.
One of he books was "How Opal Mehta got kissed, got wild and got a life".
I have to admitt frankly that I wanted to read this book for three reasons
a) to ease my saddended mind( after reading "God of small things" )
b) curious how an Indian girl by origin and in harvad writes
c) want to find out about the scandal first hand.
First thing first, I think its ridiculous that people made a big deal about the scandal..give me a break, one of the points they mentioned as plagarized was writing something , listing reasons using a),b) and c)...This style is now OWNED by Megan McCafferty, freaking I used it in my previous paragraph...does that mean i plagiarized too?
Second thing is its a freaking chick flick, anyone writing about a chick flick will end up having the same plot...its not as if the scenario is different example the movies which the so called "similarity detectives" quote , she's all that, clueless, mean girls....if there are 3 movies for her to flick the situations from why cant there be 3 books which have the same plot..!!!
Thirdly I hate the idiots who think becuase its by an non-white the book is a hit. I dont think so...its a hit becuase of all white/amercian reasons.
2) DOLLARS ( 1/2 a million contract )
3) AGE ( 17 yrs) ...
I dont want to be as shady as some of the people....above three points are a global reason not only white reasons.
Well, as far as how I liked the book, IT WAS CUTE....well written, well researched( quotes all the pop items - grey's anatomy, manolo blahniks..etc etc ), fast paced and hold interest till the end EVEN thought we know whats going to happen and how the ending will be. And
I think that itself is a big kudos to the writer...sustaning interes till the end EVEN if we know the plot.
This is not a life altering thing/book. Its just a time pass. It has potential only to alter one life, kaavya's..and may be the other author's who are getting free publicity with this scandal. There are much more serious things in life for people to deal with. So leave the girl alone and let her write more chick flicks and entertain the people.
One other think which is irritating me is that its guys who dismiss the book as a chick flick and at the same time comment on the author's behavior in the same breathe....Why do they care !!!
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