Stephen Hawkings - A man who truly inspires !
I was reading about Lou Gehrig's disease and guess who I came upon.
Stephen Hawkings, the one who wrote the great interesting science books for all people at all ages, "The brief history of time". Apparently, when his illness was diagonised at an age of 21, he was given a brief 2 years to live, but he is one of the people who have lived longest ( 44 years now) with this disease and so admirably that he is not recognized by his illness, but rather by his scientific contributions and works. He cant even talk without a computer assistance, is not even mobile without a wheel chair and look at what he has contributed to this world. He even has had 2 marriages in his life. He just celebrated his 65th birthday on January 8, 2007.
He is also planning for a zero-gravity flight in 2007 to prepare for a sub-orbital space flight in 2009 on Virgin Galactic's space service. Billionaire Richard Branson pledged to pay all expenses for the flight, costing an estimated $200,000. Doesnt that sound great !. Deadly disease, but and equally deadly aspiration to live life to the fullest.
What a life !
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