The Inheritance of Loss

I just finished reading this book and I am speechless.
I am confused. I am speechless, and that confuses me becuase I do not know why I am speechless.
I cannot figure out yet my true feelings for this book.
It sparkled with a a lot of gems here and there and I really enjoyed it, all heart out, the line might have been nothing, but it opened something in me and I smiled, irrespective of where I was.
Then why is so hard for me to say now ( 2 minutes after reading the last page ) that I like this book. Is it becuase the ending was little too abrupt for me, do I need a good glorious, happy ending or do I need a bad sad gruesome ending and cant absorb the neither this or that ending presented ?
One thing is for sure, I am angry at the guy Biju, ( I know its fictional people, still! ) and I am so sad for him...He goes away leaving his father carrying all his hopes and comes back to him wearing a old ladies nighty. HOW CAN ONE DO THIS TO A PARENT? HOW CAN ONE DO THIS TO THEMSELF?
Am I doing this to myself in a way, even if no as severe as Biju? Is that why I am moe angry at him than at any other character in the book?
The Judge - While I want to pull up that guy with his collar and smack him black and blue, I DO UNDERSTAND what he is going/went through, Thanks to Ms.Kiran Desai I WILL now watch out for instances I behave like him. I want to be a global citizen, know eveyrthing, pick the best of what the civilization has to offer, but NOT loose my head and not know what and who are important.
The Cook - Reminds me of my parents more my mother in a way and god!, I love him,
I think I will and never ever and have always made decisions in life to keep this cook happy and not shamed. I am proud of myself for that.
The Bong Ladies - Truly insignificant ladies to what is happening in Kalimpong and a good reinforcing example for me in that insisting on american moisturizer and american underwear and enjoying western goodies(chocolates, books, news, tv shows) and thinking very high of themselves only on these merits is not a great way to live..Its comfortable life , can live and die without making a ripple, but of zero use to others.
Gyan - I think I now understand to an extent a particular guy I have met and the decisions he made. Born in lower caste, loved by a so called upper caste girl and screwing up every chance for a better life becuase he TRULY believed he was born in lower caste and for multitude of reason related to this lcaste crap chose to drown himself in self-pity instead of raising above it all and leading a happy and fulfilled life. What a waste of life and love !.
Its a cliche I have observed in many relationships that educated, normal, well mannered people, once they are onto something good, ALWAYS think bad about themselves and behave like an abnormal, demented, animal and make the unsuspecting partner has always thought great about them start thinkining otherwise and finally to their convinience end up beleiving that the partner had thought abt them bad RIGHT from the BEGINNING and end up truly believing the same of themselves, even though their mis actions were never really "them" in the first place.!
Sai - The poor thing got in middle of all these cliche's. My heart goes for her.
Saeed Saeed - I truly love this guy, his attitude...
Well, I think I now understand why this book got the booker prize.
The style is kind of like Arundhathi Roy's God of small things, but hey give me moew of this kind, the kind which makes one do soul search and have potentially life altering impacts on the reader.
This was more relevant to my life and the world than God of small things.
Oh!, I think I know now why I was speechless. I was becuase it was so relevant to my world that I was absorbing what I had just concluded reading.
Okay, I am done, I need my momo!.. NOW!
I know I cannot get my momo to ready anything but java books, but wish he would read this one...[ He might complain that this is what i say after I finish reading 95% of the books :-), but I really mean for this one, its so freaking relevant! ]
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