Thursday, May 31, 2007

PC's 11 minutes & Veronika decides to die

All my family visits are finally over and I am free and I got to finish 2-3 books this weekend. Phew!..But wow! Its fun to get back to undisturbed reading time. My time!. Here are the what I felt abt the PC's book.

Eleven Minutes : Didnt expect this book from Mr.PC. But humans cant ingore their itch, can they? I dont agree with a lot of things in the book, but then its Maria's story, so can't argue. The girl, just like most of the people in this world takes the easy road at all points except in the end. Too much justification going on.

Its a medicore read, learnt nothing new, not thought provoking at all. Making us think, easily and simply is what Mr.PC is great at. Atleast those are the things that I tend to expect and look forward to when reading a his books. But this book was like reading a preachy Mills and Boons one. Preaching and Sex dont go well together. Its not that I am Miss. Prim and Proper that I didnt like this book. Its just the simple fact that I didnt get what I expected and neither was I pleaseantly surprised.

Veronika Decides to Die: A typical PC book. Good read, makes us think and its something very important and so relevant to this world and its citizens. Why the heck arent we happy when we have got all that we could ever need at our feet? Was surprised to know that PC was admitted into a mental isntitution. When I mentioned it to my husband( who reads no other book but JAVA books) teased me to death :-) But then this is a delightful thought provoking book. Simple words but Complex matters of life. The theory put forward that "A man will LOVE his life more and LIVE more in his life only if he had prioir knowledge of his death". Through the simple peek into the lives of the patients in the mental institution Mr.PC guides us though the point. The point is not made so obvious, but we get it and we love it :-)

Well thats it..too bored to write anything more. Trying to finish Life of Pi. So far loving the book and the kid trying to be Hindu, Muslim and Christian at the same time. May GOD bless him! :-)


At 8:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading The Life of Pi.

At 9:25 AM , Blogger Pranav said...

There is no reason you should read Paulo Coleho ('PC' indeed) books...that too three at one go.
That's suicide.
Read The Kite Runner instead, if you haven't already. Another one: Into Thin Air.
And finally, The Last Mughal. Amazingly researched work by Dalrymple.


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