
Today, I had major fun doing what I love to do best. Took lots of quizes and test.
The one I took today is from Mensa, the society for High-IQ people. The name comes from mensa, the Latin word for "table," and indicates that it is a round-table society of equals (although the logo can be seen as depicting a square table).
The test they administer is something like what I used do to prepare for National Science Competition when I was in 7th or 8th. Jodie Foster is a mensan and thats how I came about this. Guess most of the educated Indians can easily be mensans. I should thank my mom and grandfather for all the practices I got in my early life I guess. Early hours in the morning, being the only kid who doesnt talk back amongst my cousins, spending most of my annual vacation with my grandfather, finishing one year advance math and science and thoroughly enjoying my regular year at school and terrorizing school teachers with questions becuase I already know the subject in and out, ooo! sometimes I think my childhood was something I totally like when I know better and all grown up :-)I used to think I was having the most restircted childhood and became a complete rebel in college, not studying and governing the TV room and giving a damm abt project work or anything :-)But I love these memories, usually I feel a little grudge when I see Banu and hear Kapil. Banu cared a squat abt anything like homework while I used to have additional mom-homework and recorrection of answer paper done by my mom which usually ends up me scoring atleast 10 marks less than what my teacher awarded me and my answer paper looking like a morbid scene from jallianwalla bagh :-). And Kapil hardly ever studied on school nights and always spending time in the club playing and going around his colony in cycle. Yet these guys have academically acheived more than me, in terms of percentage(Banu) and college(Kapil).I am awed by Kapil and Banu for where there are with minimal parental intervention and their intellect.
Hmm! That begs me to think that if I had been left like that would I have reached where I am or would I have become a export company tailor or my dad's favorite alternate plan if we dont study well, herding buffaloes or working at a white pig pen?
Anyway the glory of those days are long gone and now even though I dont remember what the heck is a partial differential equation, I scored a pretty 28/30 in the sample test . Thats enough for me now to be happy and continue my brain-dead journey as a software engineer. It doesnt stimulate, but it pays well. It gives my enough time to explore and enjoy life and the world. So no complaints.
More info on Mensa can be found here. Its cool. check it out.