On one cold cold day in Bangalore a.k.a Bengaloru, I was thinking about what kinds of people attract me, especially what kind of men gains my attention, for I know pretty sure that I like a carbon copy of me in girls...same proportion of seriousness, fun loving, family loving, studious, but not a nerd type....
So, I decided on male of the species and then started...
If I were to reason it out for a real life partner I know who it would be...my husband...every which logic I use, applied to brain or heart he will be the result...
Then both my brain and heart wanted to be naughty for a while [ hello, bored o death on my leave] and hence i started thinking of what are the other people I would consider...real life people are too boring with my current level when compared to my current level of knowledge and expectation and experience...so I turned to old faithful the golden marquee...filmdom...My logic is if I list down the attributes I like in each actor and then combine then I will end up with the perfect fictional male who could shatter my own imagination.
Here we go...
1) Joaquin Phoenix ( Waa-keen people!) - mystery factor... ( gladiator, walk the line, signs )
2) Ben Affleck - Vulnerability without being a wuz. ( pearl harbour )
3) Tom Hank - Reliability ( terminal, apollo 13 )
4) Will Smith - Funny without being gross. ( Hitch, independence day)
5) Gene Hackman - powerful old guy ( replacement )
6) Harrison Ford - Trustability ( airforce one )
7) Jude Law - cute loser ( l hear huckabees)
8) Clive Owen - animal magnetism (closer)
9) Matthew McConaughey - Handsome cockeyness. ( sahara)
10) Abishek - rugged looks with vulnerability (umrao jaan )
11) Surya - Shy and yet excude manliness somehow ( kaka kaka )
12) russell crowe - dedication ( gladiator )
13) Mel Gibson - father figure ( patriot )
14) Mathew Perry - super understanding of women ( friends )
to be continued.....feeling like its a waste of time already :-) I am such a LOSER !!!!! :-) :-)